Beer Cake Pops II

You may remember that last labor day I attempted beer cake pops for a party. It was a fun idea, but they turned out mediocre at best. Yet, when my mom told me that we needed a dessert for an Oktoberfest I knew what I had to do: It was time to avenge the failed beer cake pops of 2011. With unlimited resources at my disposal (Mom bars no cost when it comes to crafting), a hand made cake pop holder (thanks, Dad!) and 2 extra hands (thanks, Mom!) I would say these cake pops turned out just about perfect.

Mom's improvements upon the original design:
1. Incorporate cocoa powder into the candy coating to make the color more like real beer.
2. Affix pretzel handles after the pops have been coated. They look cleaner and the contrast is sehr schon.
3. Dipping the white coating in little white candy sprinkles give a realistic impression of foam.


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