Better late than never: Monogrammed wine glasses

On May Day one of my closest cousins got married in San Antonio, Texas. Because I am one of those people who refuses to buy off the registry when I could make something I think is more impressive, I decided to test out my design and handy-skills and etch some wine glasses with her new monogram. I spent hours in my Monday afternoon class designing the monogram in Adobe Indesign, then printed it out and taped it inside these Libby stemless wine glasses.

With a diamond etching tip on my Dremel tool (what would I do without my Dremel?) I traced and filled the monogram. I quickly learned that outlining, then removing the paper “stencil” to fill in the shape was the easiest way to go about it.

I’ve been itching to post, but had to wait until after I knew that wedding gifts were open before I could put pictures up on the internet. So, all the best to my beautiful cousin and her new husband!


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