Trouble with my hose

My house on Park Street came with a couple of unexpected amenities. For one, there was a beer pong table in the basement (it's still there, and we've used it, who am I kidding?). For two, there was a 150 ft hose taking up most of the floor of the garage. In order to park my car in the garage before the snow started, I dragged the hose outside and left it in a pile one afternoon... then left it there for 7 months. True, this is not a nice thing to do to a hose; True, my neighbors probably didn't appreciate it. But what the heck am I supposed to with a hose!?

Well, the snow melted and the garden came back to life and suddenly I was faced with a whole new set of home ownership problems: clogged rain gutters, overgrown shrubbery, and a totally unkempt yard. So, this is why the left me the hose...

First I untangled the hose and used it to clean rain gutters. Then, I tore out the Yew (don't even get me started on this...) and the overgrown vines in the front yard to plant hydrangeas. Newly transplanted hydrangeas need lots of water. And alas, I found myself cussing at the tangled heap of hose more often than I'd anticipated. I consulted pinterest and found a number of ideas for what to with a hose, but most would only work for a dainty little 20ft hose, not my 150ft monstrosity. But Shanty2Chic had one idea that I could get behind

I had to adapt her plan a little to fit my style, but here is an easy hose post that you can make in an afternoon for about $25. 

At the hardware store I bought a pre cut, pressure treated fence post, a wooden cap for the post, and a quart of exterior white paint ($22 total). For the hook I pulled out a leftover IKEA Hemnes coat hook from my mud room project. First, I wiped down the post and gave it and the cap 3 coats of paint. 
I attached the hook (slightly crooked, and burnt my finger in the process, are you surprised?). 
I dug a hole about a foot deep in the front yard where I wanted the post and buried it, then hammered it into the ground as best as I could with a rubber mallet.
Finally, I attached the decorative cap with wood glue (if it falls off in a storm I'll use something stronger, right?)


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